Sunday, December 27, 2009

Foreclosures reach new high water mark

More prime mortgages default in 3rd quarter --
Reporting from Washington - Troubled home loans continued to mount in the nation's banks in the third quarter as even once-solid borrowers increasingly fell behind on their mortgage payments.

For the first quarter ever, the number of homes in foreclosure with mortgages serviced by U.S. national banks and savings and loans topped the 1-million mark, according to figures released Monday by the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

The percentage of prime borrowers whose loans were 60 or more days past due doubled from the July-to-September period a year earlier. And more than half of all homeowners whose payments had been lowered through modification plans defaulted again.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

737 De La Toba, San Diego California

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Friday, December 18, 2009

REALTOR® Magazine-Daily News-4 out of 10 Recent Buyers Used FHA Loans

REALTOR® Magazine-Daily News-4 out of 10 Recent Buyers Used FHA Loans: "4 out of 10 Recent Buyers Used FHA Loans
According to the most recent REALTORS® Confidence Index, 39 percent of recent buyers purchased a home with a Federal Housing Administration-insured loan. REALTORS® who took part in the November survey also reported that the number of first-time home buyers continued to climb to 51 percent."

many of our short sales receive offers from fha buyers.

The concern is that with so little down what will stop these homeowners for walking away in the future

short sale buyers

Friday, December 4, 2009

short sale or walkaway - credit damage

REALTOR® Magazine-Daily News-Should Underwater Borrowers Stay or Go?
ncreasing numbers of home owners are struggling with the decision to walk away from their homes because their mortgages are so far underwater.

Whether it is a good idea or not is an open question with strong arguments on both sides of the decision.

Leaving a home and a mortgage ruins a credit score, complicating future transactions, and makes it more difficult to rent another residence and buy a car.

Despite this potential pain, Glenn Kelman, chief executive of, believes that people should consider giving up.

"I think there are a lot of people who don't walk away from their house for moral reasons that are economically irrational," he said.

Some experts believe that credit-evaluation companies will view foreclosures differently in this era. "This is a once-in-a-century real estate market. The question that FICO will be asking itself is, is a foreclosure in 2008 and 2009 the same as a foreclosure in 1998, 1999 or 2003 and 2004?" said Todd J. Zywicki, a bankruptcy expert at George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Va.

credit scores foreclosures and short sales

foreclosure info